Wednesday 2 March 2011


Is a very big word
With reading we are traveling
With reading we know other people culture
Reading make us open our mind;
towards open world ahead

 Picture credit from yahoo mail

My mom told me once during my childhood days..
"Every story written have their specialties"
Make an effort to read
Then only you know what it's offer

There is lot articles, book, magazines waiting for us
To take the knowledge inside them

Picture credit form Google image

Let us find knowledge as much as we can
Because with knowledge we are different from anybody else
Knowledge make us see the future, the situation;
different form others

Picture credit form Google image

Picture credit form Google image

Reading is free
But the knowledge worth thousands

Our Prophet Muhammad : IQRA'

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Where future will bring me....

Sometime we must put aside our sympathy....
We do what we should do best at the time being...

Luckily I decide to blend myself back with books, submission, classes..
Otherwise I will ended up thinking unnecessary thing
Otherwise I will ended up pity on something that don't want to help themselves'

I m trying to find a way in a very chaotic life
Trying to find the correct path for future
Trying to find where to put my first foot in a correct road
Trying to find what future can promise me

Life is far ahead....
Life offer so many ways, so many things 
We ourselves and with our knowledge can pattern it
With God will....

 Picture credit to Google